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EDUCATION that furthers and broadens access to accurate information that enables humans to better understand the complexity of the science and the scientific progress in this space.

  • Support CE tracks at large veterinary conferences
  • Host Virtual webinar events
  • A monthly Newsletter to members
  • Provide visibility to published HAB related articles
  • Partner on research opportunities within the HAB space
  • HAB Academy
Education is one of the core areas in which HABA works to amplify the voice of all creatures.

HABA has consistently provided education through supporting tracks at VMX, WVC, and the annual AVMA conferences.  These tracks are designed to provide knowledge on a number of hot topics, as well as open awareness to new areas. We hope to have you join us at a future event.

Upcoming Conferences


July 14-18, 2023 | Denver

AVMA Tracks – July 14, 2023
Session Title
9:00-9:50 AM
What Makes Dogs Tick: The Impact of Evolution and Domestication on Their Genes and the Human-Animal Bond
Angela M Hughes, DVM, PhD
10:00-10:50 AM
Integrating Puppy Socialization into Veterinary Practice
Taylor Rezvani, PhD
11:00-11:50 AM
Canine Consent: The Role of Choice in Domestic Dog Welfare
Taylor Rezvani, PhD
1:00-1:50 PM
Do Cats Consent to Anything? How Cat Consent Supports Veterinary Visits and the Human Animal Bond
Steve Dale, CABC
2:00-2:50 PM
The Human Animal Bond: Is It Possible to be Over-Bonded
Steve Dale, CABC
3:00-3:50 PM
"You Are Just an Animal Doctor," YES and Proud of It!
Mark A Goldstein, DVM
4:00-4:50 PM
Street Medicine: Providing Care in Low Resource Settings
Jon M Geller, DVM, DABVP (Canine/Feline) Emeritus


January 14-18, 2023 | Orlando

VMX Tracks – January 16, 2023
Session Title
8:00-9:15 AM
What makes dogs special? The secret of earth’s most successful mammal
Clive Wynne, Ph.D.
9:55-10:45 AM
Using behavioral science to help dogs in difficulties
Clive Wynne, Ph.D.
11:00-11:50 AM
Sense and nonsense in dog behavior
Clive Wynne, Ph.D.
1:45-2:35 PM
Canine Consent: The Role of Choice in Domestic Dog Welfare
Taylor Rezvani, Ph.D.
2:50-3:40 PM
Do Cats Consent to Anything? How Cat Consent Supports Veterinary Visits and the Human Animal Bond
Steve Dale
4:00-4:50 PM
“You are just an Animal Doctor”, YES and proud of it!
Mark Goldstein, DVM


February 19-22, 2023 | Las Vegas

WVC Tracks – February 22, 2023
Session Title
8:00-8:50 AM
What Makes Dogs Tick: The Impact of Evolution & Domestication on Their Genes & The Human Animal Bond
9:00-9:50 AM
Integrating Puppy Socialization into Veterinary Practice
10:35-11:25 AM
Canine Consent: The Role of Choice in Domestic Dog Welfare
11:35 AM-12:25 PM
Do Cats Consent to Anything? How Cat Consent Supports Veterinary Visits & The Human Animal Bond
2:00-2:50 PM
The Human Animal Bond: Is It Possible to be Over-bonded?
3:00-3:50 PM
“You Are Just an Animal Doctor”, YES & Proud of It!

Education is one of the core areas in which HABA works to amplify the voice of all creatures. One area in which HABA provides education is through virtual webinar events. In partnering with subject matter experts, these events are designed to provide knowledge related to the many facets of the HAB. The webinars touch on a number of hot topics, as well as open awareness to new areas. We hope to have you join us at a future event.

Past Webinars

Decoding Your Cat – Feline Elimination Problems (May 4, 2021)

Cats in Crisis: The facts and how your practice can make a difference (May 5, 2021)

Using Quality of Life as an Assessment Tool in Clinical Practice (May 6, 2021)

Lone Star Ticks: An Expanding Threat to Pets and Humans (July 22, 2021)

A Place For Those Seeking To Be A Life Learner of the Interactions and Values Related to the Many Aspects of the Human Animal Bond

HAB Academy Registration
Human Animal Bond Academy content is included with your HABA membership. Activate Academy access via this page; complete the contact and billing form and proceed to checkout, where your total will net $0.
The Human Animal Bond Academy, an international effort between the Human Animal Bond Association in the United States, The Society of Companion Animals and Our Special Friends in the United Kingdom was created to establish a space for lifetime learning and exchange of ideas on these topics and far more. It will develop into a most unique vehicle where individuals from all walks of life can acquire knowledge from an ever widening spectrum of available information provided by key opinion leaders both within the animal care community and without.

Education is one of the core areas in which HABA works to amplify the voice of all creatures.  Working to ensure topics are readily available to our members is a focus for the association  There are great articles or news stories shared around the HAB constantly.  Here is where we work to share these with the community.  We also share a regular newsletter with our members so that they can access this information seamlessly through updates within their personal email. Looking to stay current on new and interesting information being shared around the HAB, then become a member and receive our newsletter.

Latest Research, Links of Interest, and Affinity Organizations

ISAZ 2021

By News

The Human Animal Bond Association is excited to announce that we are among a select group of sponsors of the International Society for Anthrozoology’s yearly conference. SAZ was formed in…

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Support HABA by becoming a member and help contribute to the elevation and education of the human-animal bond, and the beauty it brings to all things great and small.